Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Small Biker Gang Invades Supermarket

A few days ago I made some macaroni casserole and when that was in the oven, I was feeling creative, and I had a ache in my sweet tooth, so I decided to bake a cake. Except I was short of some ingredients, aka eggs I had just used in the casserole. I had to rush into the shop to get eggs while the casserole was still in the oven. Take too long and the casserole might get too dry and burn, then the smoke alarms would alert the neighbours and the firemen would use the axe to open my door, I would be evicted and be forced to sleep outside in the snow, all because of two eggs!

In a very short time (as the trip is only about 2 km and on excellent bikeways I don't even have to ride fast to make it a short time) I arrived at the supermarket, and spotted this cute little bike:

It was so cute I had to take a picture before entering the shop. A little basket and all. After a quick walk through the shop to get the things I needed and a short but fast cashier queue I came back to my bike and noticed there was now two little bikes:

After I packed my camera away and unlocked my bike, I turned around to leave and what do I see! A third small bike! It wasn't there when I got there!

Luckily I got away before more members of the Small Bike Gang arrived and blockaded me completely!

The whole trip took about 22 minutes, and the mac was fine when I got back.  and the blueberry cake I made was delicious. Somehow I ran out of the cake faster than the casserole...

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