Thursday, October 13, 2011

Intensive Care Cyclists

Local newspaper has an interesting article about how OYS (The Oulu University Hospital) straps unconscious patients in intensive care to bicycles!

Several commenters on the newspapers web page  have asked how they managed to interview an unconscious person for the article. They also ask if people with pneumonia or heart conditions laying on their sick beds should be forced to excercise?

Looking at the video, the patients feet are strapped into pedals while the patient is laying on the bed. If the patient is unconcious or too weak to move the legs, the machine slowly moves the legs. I don't think the patients are supposed to get sweaty excercise. It's more like keeping the limbs moving and maintaining muscle tone. (Can that be said here, or does maintaining muscle tone refer to body building?) I guess it also prevents blood clots.

Apparently they've found out that it's best to start the rehab as soon as possible. At the beginning of the year, the hospital started rehabilitation of the patients as soon as they arrive to the ICU.


  1. today we had another cold front come through South Florida. High is 83F :) we are finally getting pleasant temperatures, though very windy and rip currents are plagueing the beaches. It's overcast right now. We won't see frost probably till January.

  2. Hehe, a cold front with 83F is 28C :-)
